Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Typical Day

My day starts usually with God while I am still in bed. I try to read His word and apply it to life. I run a daycare so I usually stagger breakfast and get children on the bus. We then start school with phonics, and math and grammer and recite poems and grammer is only given to the grade 3/4 and up. We then read from history or science and the children write or draw what they learned. We then go on a nature walk In the woods across from us and come back to draw what they saw. We then have lunch Bible reading and hymn singing. We then have reading literature and listen to classical music. Then we have picture study with tea.

That is the basic run down. So daily we have math, phonics, grammer, reading , copy work, poem and bible with hymns. We love to draw everyday.

Weekly we have history, science, artist study and music/composer study and nature study. The odd time I read a Shakespeare play from Lamb version. I try to do 2 art projects a week based on nature or science and follow the seasons and Christian holidays. On the Christian holidays we usually just focus on that for the day.

I hope this gives you a clear picture of our day.

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